Indoor Sportscourt
We hope you enjoy your Indoor Basketball & SportsCourt here at RiverCreek! Your sports director is on-site to help manage the courts as well as provide you with services. Scroll down to see the services and programs we offer!
Court Details
RiverCreek is proud to offer its residents exclusive access to a state-of-the-art indoor basketball court. Located within the community’s clubhouse area, this climate-controlled facility provides year-round opportunities for basketball enthusiasts of all ages and skill levels to practice, play, and compete.
The space is equipped with modern amenities, and water fountains, enhancing the overall experience for players and visitors alike.
Residents of RiverCreek can easily reserve court time through an online booking system, allowing for convenient scheduling of practice sessions, pick-up games, or league play.
Classes | Leagues | Special Events
We take beginner, intermediate and advance players seriously! Whatever your skills, we’ll help you bring them to the next level.
Take classes, join a league, play in tournaments, or enjoy open court at the RiverCreek Indoor Basketball court.
Court Hours
Indoor Court
8:00am – 8:00pm
RiverCreek HOA
12776 Springbrook Court
Estero, FL